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Artesanía del Prado



Summer is slipping away and its time to start back in the studios in earnest. It has been a busy time with many lovely visitors [both personal and to the gallery] and new additions in the form of two beautiful rescued kittens who were abandoned at the picnic site near us hardly able to see or walk. We had no choice but to try to save them with two hourly feeds from tiny baby bottles. Success! We how have two beautiful crazy teenagers who delight and molest us all day long.

Even though its really too hot to work for any length of time in the pottery we were still kept busy with various small orders and a lovely gallery in Madrid.

There was also an exhibition in the wonderful Molino del Santo at Benoajan based on citrus fruit in which we had a couple of entries which happily sold!

Other than that the summer has been about harvesting produce, bottling, dehydrating and generally storing for the Winter. We had a wonderful crop of almonds this year and the walnuts are almost ready to fall. We have to make constant checks to scoop them up before the dogs find them! …and now come the Kakis, Granadas and Membrillos [Persimmons, pomegranites and quinces]……that’s life in the fast lane! We have plenty of exciting projects on the go in the studios at the moment and will also be planning our pre-christmas event here probably in early December.